Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Currently Spinning...

Book list

Paper stacking or "That project that never ends!"

Stacking paper horizontally to create form and mass sounds simple; if only...
This process was difficult, however it forced me to think about form in more abstract ways such as how mass affects the space around an object, gravity and such...

The two produce forms came out okay I think, but I am very excited with how the 3rd form turned out. I was inspired by the work of Aguste Rodin and the idea of spotting Human faces in natural rock formations the process was inspired by the MRI Machine.

Make it roll

The assignment was to create a ball out of cardboard that could roll using only lines and planes. Using the skills I learned from the paper folding and aided with adhesives I put together a simple, though uncreative, ball that ended up rocking and rolling pretty good.